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Home > HMIS Functionality > Household Management > Removing Clients from a Household in an Enrollment
Removing Clients from a Household in an Enrollment
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This article talks about how to handle the situation when clients that entered a project as part of a household decide to leave the household but still remained enrolled in the projects in which they are in. This could be the case of a divorce between a couple, or an adult child that leaves the household, among others.


There are two main steps to separate a client from a group enrollment, and this article will cover these:

  1. The first one is to remove the client form the Global Household
  2. The second is to remove the client from the Program Household for each of the projects in which the client is enrolled together with the rest of the household members. 

(See Global Household VS Programs Household)


This video contains most but not all of the same information covered in this article.



In the example below Marge Simpson decides to leave the Simpsons household because she is getting a divorce from Homer. She is currently enrolled in the Springfield Homeless Shelter project with the rest of the Simpsons household members.


1. Removing Clients from the Global Household

Step 1: Go to the Head of Household (HoH) Profile screen, click the Manage button next to the Household Members section at the right side of the HoH's profile screen.




Step 2: Click the Edit button next to the client that you want to remove from the household.



Step 3: In the Edit Global Household pop up window, enable the Exit Household switch and enter the date in which the client is leaving the household and click Save.




After removing the client from the Global Household, the client won’t be visible under the Household Members section. Instead, the client will be under the Household History where you can see the Start and End date of the period in which the member was part of the household.



2. Remove the Client from the Program Household

Once we remove the client from the Global Household, it is necessary to remove the client from the Program Household of each of the project enrollments that the client is enrolled with the rest of the household members. The reason being is that removing the client from the Global Household does not have any effect on the project enrollments, in other words, it does not detach the enrollment of the client who is leaving the household from the group enrollment.


To remove a client from a Program Household, we need to do the following:

  1. First exit the client from the project group enrollment
  2. Second re-enter the client in the same project as an individual with an exit/start date as the date the clients stopped being in the household together

(See difference between Individual Enrollments and Group Enrollments)


1. Exit the Client from the Project Group Enrollment

To exit the client from the Project group enrollment, we should exit the client like usual:


Step 1: Open the project enrollment of the client who is being separated from the household and click the Exit button. 



Step 2: In the Select Clients to Exit from Program pop up window, select the client who is leaving the household. Then click End Program.

(Note: Make sure you only select the client who is being separated from the HoH)



Step 3: Once you are in the Exit screen, enter the date the client left the household in the Project Exit Date, and in the Destination field enter the project type of the project from which you are exiting the client. Click Save & Close



2. Re-enter the client as an individual in the same project

Once the client has been exited form the project, you should re-enter the client in the same project as an individual, i.e., you should create a new individual project enrollment for that client in the same project:


Step 1: Go to the client's Program tab and in the Programs: Available section, locate the project in which you want to re-enter the client, click the down arrow next to the project's name to expand the view, and click Enroll



Step 2: The Project Start Date field should have the date in which the client started to be alone in the project, and in the Type of Residence field enter the project type of the project from which you are exiting the client. Click Save & Close. 




Final Result

Once you have re-entered the client into the project, in the Program tab under Program History, the client would have two enrollments. The first enrollment reflects the time the client was enrolled with the members of the household, and the second enrollment reflect the time when the client started to be enrolled alone, after being separated from the household. The first enrollment is group enrollment and the second is an individual, and the End Date of the first enrollment should be equal to the Start Date of the second enrollment.




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