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Annual Assessment Due Report
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HUD requires that clients who have been enrolled in a program for over a year be given an annual assessment. Annual assessments are meant to capture certain data points and are to be collected based on the Project Start Date of the Head of Household. All members of the household must have a completed annual assessment based on the Head of Household's Project Start Date, even if they enrolled in the project after the Head of Household.

Annual Assessments should be completed for all clients in the enrollment either 30 days prior or 30 days after the one year anniversary of the Head of Household's Project Start Date. For example, if Bob enrolls in a project on January 1st, 2019 and his son Mark enrolls in the same project with him on April 1st, 2019, both Bob and Mark will need a completed Annual Assessment between December 1st, 2019 - to February 1st, 2019. 

The Annual Assessment Due Report will give you a list of clients who need an Annual Assessment completed. The report will only return clients who need an Annual Assessment fix of some kind, whether they need a new Annual Assessment created or an Annual Assessment they have in HMIS falls outside of HUD's required Annual Assessment range. The report will assign the following error messages to each row:

  • Past Due - The client's Annual Assessment window has passed.
    • Fix this error for clients that were active in the reporting period you are checking for errors in by completing an Annual Assessment for the client with information as of a date inside HUD's Annual Assessment range of 30 days prior or 30 days after the one year anniversary of the Head of Household's Project Start Date.
  • Due - The client's Annual Assessment window is now.
    • Fix this error by completing an Annual Assessment before the range of 30 days prior or 30 days after the one year anniversary of the Head of Household's Project Start Date is over.
  • Completed Out of Range - The client's Annual Assessment was completed outside of the +/- 30 day window of the Head of Household's Project Start Date. HUD Reports will consider this Annual Assessment as missing because it fell outside of the required range.
    • Fix this error for clients that were active in the reporting period you are checking for errors in by completing an Annual Assessment for the client with information as of a date inside HUD's Annual Assessment range of 30 days prior or 30 days after the one year anniversary of the Head of Household's Project Start Date.

Please review our Knowledge Base article on Running and Saving an OC Clarity System Report for more information on how to run reports on the Data Analysis tab. 

Editing the Filters

IMPORTANT: Do not change any filters except for the Reporting Period filter. Making changes to any of the other filters will cause the Annual Assessment Due report to run incorrectly.

Using a set reporting period:

To check for possible errors on a report such as the APR, you will want to run the Annual Assessment Due Report using the within a range  filter on the Reporting Period Filter. This will return any errors that may have occurred during the reporting period you are interested in. To edit the Reporting Period Filter, click the filter dropdown. The filter section will expand, and the value for these fields are now editable, but make sure to never change any filters except the Reporting Period Filter.

Select the start and end dates for the reporting period you are interested in, making sure to add one day to the end of the reporting period. Reports on the Data Analysis tab require you to add one day to the end of your reporting period due to the way the vendor who manages the Data Analysis tab has programmed their software. For example, if your reporting period for your APR is January 1st, 2019 to December 31st, 2019, you would need to enter January 1st, 2020 as the end date in the Data Analysis tab. 

General Annual Assessment Cleanup:

To complete general Annual Assessment cleanup, do not change the Reporting Period filter. The default option for the Reporting Period filter is anytime and will return the results of all clients who have an Annual Assessment error, regardless of when they were enrolled.


Duplicate Records

When this report is run, there may be multiple rows for the same client. Multiple rows for the same client means that client is missing Annual Assessments or has an Annual Assessment error for multiple years, and each year's Annual Assessment must be fixed. Check the Targeted Annual Assessment column to see which year's Annual Assessment needs to be fixed.

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