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Attendance Based Services
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An attendance-based service is one that is provided on a daily basis, or multiple times per day.  Examples of attendance-based services include transportation services and shelter services. Follow the instruction below to learn how to set-up these types of services. For information on Service Items that are not applied every day, please see this article.


Topics Covered in This Article:

Attendance Based Services

Adding Notes

Removing Attendance Based Services


Attendance Based Services

Step 1: To begin working with client attendance, go to the Launcher menu and select the Attendance icon. 


Step 2: This will take you to the Attendance screen, where you will find a list of the attendance-based services in your agency. Select the Edit link that appears to the left of the service name you wish to modify or view.

Step 3: Selecting Manage will take you to the attendance screen for that particular service. It will automatically default to the current date.  If needed, you can change the date by selecting the calendar icon. 

The screen will adjust to list the attendance information for the given date.

Service Attendance Screen

The Screen Attendance screen will display one of two interfaces based on the default configuration of the specific service item within Clarity by your administrator.  

(Note: For more information on creating and configuring Services and Service Items, please review our Knowledge Base article on Creating Services.)

The Service Attendance screen is divided into 3 sections or the Manual default configuration:

  • In Attendance: This is where you will place the clients who received the service on the given date.
  • Clients from last 4 Months: A list of clients who have received this service at any point in time during the past 4 months.
  • Client Search: Here you can enter a client name or part of the name for clients who have not received the service within the past 4 months. You can also easily manage household attendance here as well.

Documenting Client Attendance

There are three ways to document client attendance:

Add Names from Client List

To manually check in a client, select the Add link next to their name as it appears in the Clients from last 4 Months list. This will carry the client from the list on the right to the daily attendance list on the left.  

(Note: When the client is placed in this area, a service record is automatically saved to the client. This service can be reviewed in the client's history tab.)

Notice that the totals located at the bottom of both boxes will change accordingly and in real time.

If necessary, you can remove the client from the daily attendance list by selecting the Trashcan icon next to the client’s name. This will not delete the client record, it will only delete the daily attendance service that was provided.

Client Search Box

Use the client search box to add a client who has not received the service during the last 4 months, or to check in multiple household members.

Enter the client name (or part of the client name). Just as with the first method, select the Add link to add the client to the In Attendance list (i.e. check them in). (NOTE: If the service transaction requires a program enrollment, the Attendance Tool will not allow clients who are not enrolled in the program to be checked in.)


To add members of a household, select the arrow icon to the left of the client name. A list of their associated household members will drop down. Select Add to check in these household members.

Unique Identifier Scan Upload

Agencies interested in utilizing scan cards will need to purchase a barcode scanner that scans code 128b and an ID card printer. 


ID cards can be printed on a client's Profile screen by clicking on the Print icon, and selecting Run next to the [CLNT-103] Photo ID Card - Sample report.



On the Attendance page, click on the Scanned button to scan client IDs. The service selected will automatically be applied to the client whose ID card was scanned on the date selected.


Adding Notes

Adding services using the Daily Attendance set-up will help expedite the process, however it will alter the way in which notes/ expenses are added. Instead of editing the program enrollment under the Programs tab you will need to go to the History Tab and locate the Service there.




From here you will be able to add Notes as well as Expenses, to add an expense click the Add Expense button. Once you have updated the Service click Save Changes.  



Removing Attendance Based Services

If Attendance based services were added to a client's profile in error, follow the steps below to remove them:


  • Navigate to the client’s History page
  • Select the client’s Attendance based service you want to remove



  • Scroll down to the bottom of the screen to view all of the dates the client was provided the service you want to remove
  • Click on the trash can icon to delete a single date, or select multiple dates using the check boxes and click on Delete Selected Records


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