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Coordinated Entry Events
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The purpose of the Coordinated Entry Event is to capture key referral and placement events, as well as the results of those events. This will help our CoC understand the events that go into achieving desired, and undesired, results through CES. This data element is intended to standardize data collection on core components of CES such as access, assessment, referral, and prioritization.


In separate records, collect the Date and Event for as many Events as is necessary for each client for the duration of their enrollment in the Coordinated Entry System (CES). CES Events may be recorded at the same time as a Coordinated Entry Assessment or they may be independent of any Coordinated Entry Assessment that has occurred. Both housing and non-housing related events will be tracked through the Coordinated Entry System.

Non-Housing Event Types

Event Type 


Referral to Prevention Assistance project 

The client received a referral to a homelessness prevention assistance project. 

Problem Solving/Diversion/Rapid Resolution intervention or service 

The client participated in a diversion or rapid resolution problem–solving conversation and received assistance. 

Referral to scheduled Coordinated Entry Crisis Needs Assessment 

The client received a referral to a Coordinated Entry Crisis Needs Assessment. 
Please note the CoC is not currently providing this assessment. 

Referral to scheduled Coordinated Entry Housing Needs Assessment 

The client received a referral to a Coordinated Entry Housing Needs Assessment. 
For the Individual and Family Coordinated Entry System, this means completing the VI-SPDAT. For Veterans, this means completing the Veterans Assessment. 

Referral to post-placement/follow-up case management 

The client received a referral to a post-placement service or follow-up case management. Post-placement/follow-up case management services are services provided to clients after they have exited a residential project. These types of services are not limited to any particular project type. 

Referral to Street Outreach project or services 

The client received a referral to a Street Outreach project or services. 

Referral to Housing Navigation project or services 

The client received a referral to an SSO or other service only project or service for the purpose of receiving Housing Navigation services because a specific bed or unit in another project is not immediately available. Housing navigation services include assistance with identifying, preparing documentation for, or applying for appropriate housing, including subsidized and non-subsidized housing. 

Referral to Non-continuum services: Ineligible for continuum services 

The client received a referral to non-continuum services because they were ineligible to receive homeless services. Non-continuum services may include emergency assistance projects for those not at-risk of or experiencing homelessness. 

Referral to Non-continuum services: No availability in continuum services 

Eligible clients who could not be referred to homeless services because there is no availability in continuum services, or because client was eligible but was not prioritized for continuum services. 

Referral to emergency assistance/flex fund/furniture assistance

The client received a referral for emergency assistance, for a flex fund, or for furniture assistance.

Referral to a Housing Stability Voucher The client received a referral with an housing stability voucher project.




These events will be collected within the appropriate Coordinated Entry enrollment in HMIS. Search for the client, edit the enrollment, and select the Events tab to view all the available options. Select the appropriate Event, record the date in which the event occurred along with any additional Service Notes you wish to record, and select Submit.



There are some Events that require follow up. When the result of either of the events below is known, return to the Events page to track the result.

  • Problem Solving/ Diversion/ Rapid Resolution intervention or service
    •  Record – Was the client housed/re-housed in a safe alternative 
      • Yes
      • No
    • Result Date: Date the result occurred
  • Referral to post-placement/follow up case management
    • Record – Was the client enrolled in Aftercare project?
      • Yes
      • No
    • Result Date: Date the result occurred

Housing Event Types:

The following Housing Events are tracked automatically in HMIS when a household is referred to one of these housing opportunities through the Community Queue.

  • Referral to Emergency Shelter bed opening
  • Referral to Transitional Housing bed/unit opening
  • Referral to Joint TH-RRH project/unit/resource opening
  • Referral to RRH project resource opening
  • Referral to PSH project resource opening
  • Referral to Other PH project/unit/resource opening
  • Referral to Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV)


In addition to tracking these Housing Events, the result of these events will be tracked in HMIS.

  • Successful referral: client accepted – The client is matched to a housing opportunity through the Community Queue, and is enrolled in the matched project. The result of this Housing Event is tracked automatically when the housing enrollment occurs.
  • Unsuccessful referral: client rejected – The client is matched to a housing opportunity, but rejects the opportunity. This will be tracked by selecting Client in the new field titled Denied By Type.
  • Unsuccessful referral: provider rejected – The client is matched to a housing opportunity, but the agency denies the referral, or the referral expires because it has not been updated for 90 days. When a provider rejects a referral, this will be tracked by selecting Provider in the new field titled Denied By Type.

When the client is waiting on the Community Queue for a match they must be “checked-in” every 90 days or they will be removed from the Community Queue due to inactivity. When a Coordinated Entry Event is recorded on the Head of Household’s record the Last Activity Date is updated.

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