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Home > HMIS Functionality > Client Intake > History Tab Overview
History Tab Overview
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The History tab can be considered the Central Hub of the Client Record. Numerous things can be accomplished using this tab, such as:


1. Editing and/or viewing details of: 

  • General services
  • Program-Based Services
  • Programs
  • Assessments

2. Managing the following:

  • Program Association
  • Expense Items
  • Service Notes
  • Attendance
  • Group Options

History Tab Overview

To begin working with a Client’s history, select the History tab in the Client record.

Advanced Search Tool

If your client has a very large history spanning multiple pages of results, the Advanced Search Options feature provides an excellent interface to narrow down your results.


The Advanced Search Option features the following information:


  • Name – Filter for a keyword within the service title
  • Category – Filter for a specific category of service using the convenient drop-down menu
  • Agency – Filter for a specific Agency that provided the service
  • Date Range – Filter based on a specific date range of service provision
  • Type - Filter based on record type (ex. Assessments, Programs, Referrals, Services)

Convenient Right Sidebar

The right sidebar provides the following information:


  • Household Members
  • Active Programs
  • Recent Services
  • Assigned Staff


Color Coding


Historical items are color-coded to make them easy to distinguish from one another.


Item Type and Color
Program: tan
Service Items: white
Assessments: green
Reservations: pink
Referrals: blue
Coordinated Entry Events: peach


Understanding History Tab Icons

1. Dollar Icon

Service transactions with attached expenses are marked with an Expense  icon to the right of the listing.  Hover your mouse over the icon, and additional financial details are displayed.  This includes the total expense amount, and the funding source the expense was applied to if configured.


2. Screens Icon

The Screens icon  indicates that the service is linked to a Program (i.e. Program-Based Service). If you hover over the screens icon, it will provide you with the following information:

  • Program Name
  • Associated Agency
  • Program Entry Date
  • Status (Active vs. Inactive)


3. Comment Icon

The Comment icon indicates that there is a Service Note associated with the service. Mouse-over the icon for more details. 


4. Link Icon

The Link icon  indicates that there is a referral or a service associated with this entry. Mouse-over the icon for more details.



Using the History Tab

1. Edit and/or View Services

To modify or view a service, mouse-over the service and select the Edit or View link that appears to the left. This will take you to the associated screen in the Services tab where you have the ability to Edit the Service Record.

2. Edit and/or View Assessments

To modify or view an Assessment, mouse-over the Assessment title and select the Edit or View link that appears to the left.

This will take you to the associated Assessment screen where you can view or modify the Assessment to the degree your access role allows.

3. Edit and/or View Programs

To modify or view a Program, mouse-over the Program Name and select the Edit or View link that appears to the left.

This will take you to the associated Program screen where you can access related records and edit aspects of the Program Enrollment to the degree your access role and system configuration allows.

4. Deleting Historical Items

To delete the historical item, click the trash can icon. 


Note: You must be an agency administrator or have delete access to delete historical items. Program enrollments with linked services cannot be deleted. For more information, please refer the Deleting Program Enrollments KB.


5. Authorization Lock

Enabling Authorization Lock on a service provides an added layer of confidentiality to a specific service item if your agency is openly sharing client service history.  This setting will add a lock icon to the top of the service header, allowing only your agency to view the service transaction in the client’s history.  This option is only available for the agency that created the service transaction.


Reviewing the History Tab for Coordinated Entry

The history tab can be referenced to verify if a client you are working with is on the community queue. To verify that a client is on the community queue, navigate to the history tab and filter for “Coordinated Entry”. This will filter the history page to only show events relevant to CES.


If a client has been successfully referred to the Community Queue, the history tab should show the following historical items:

1. A Completed CES Assessment

2. An Active Coordinated Entry Enrollment

3. An Active Referral to the Community Queue

If a client you are working with are missing any of these historical events, they are not going to appear on the Community Queue for Coordinated Entry Housing Opportunities. For more information, please refer to the  Adding Households to the Community Queue KB Article


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