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CFCOC Data Entry Guide
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Agencies funded by the Children and Families Commission Orange County (CFCOC) are required to enter data specific to that contract in HMIS. In the Clarity HMIS, agencies are required to track CFCOC-funded bed nights and other services provided in HMIS, and answer supplemental questions at entry. Only households with at least one child from 0-5 can be eligible for these services, and users should only track data for households receiving these services in HMIS until the household is no longer receiving these services, either because the household exited or because there is no longer a child 0-5 in the household. 


CFCOC Entry Questions

These questions are entered on the client's Enrollment screen, and must be collected for all clients in the household. For instructions on how to navigate to the Enrollment screen, please review the Enrolling Clients in a Project article.


  • Is this client receiving services funded by the Children and Families Commission Orange County?: Please note that this question must be answered for ALL members of the household receiving CFCOC funding. 
  • Bed Night Start: Date of the client's first bed night provided by CFCOC. Not necessarily the same date as Program Start Date

  • Bed Night End Date: Leave blank until the client no longer receives bed nights from CFCOC. This date should coincide with the last date the household is eligible to receive CFCOC-funded services (child is no longer age 0-5), or the exit date.  Bed Night Start and End Dates are used to track the clients total CFCOC bed nights in the project.)

  • Primary Language: What language is the client most comfortable speaking?



CFCOC Services

The services below are collected on the Provide Services screen for the enrollment, and should be entered for the head of household only. Please review the Adding Services article for instructions on how to enter the services below.


  • Developmental screenings/assessments
  • Information and Referral
  • Parents Participate in Reading Program
  • Case Management




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