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Home > Coordinated Entry (CES) & Bed Reservation > Maintaining Households on the Community Queue
Maintaining Households on the Community Queue
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While a household is on the Community Queue, their case manager should be checking in with them regularly. If a household is on the Community Queue for more than 90 days with no activity, it will be automatically removed. Please note that removal from the CQ occurs early in the morning on the 90th day, so activity should be entered into HMIS by the end of the 89th day. In order to keep households active on the Community Queue a case manager can do any of the following:

  • "Check-In" on the Referral page
  • Add a Note to the Head of Household's record
  • Update the Current Living Situation
  • Add a Coordinated Entry Event


Complete a "Check-In"

Once the household is on the Community Queue, the head of household should be checking in with their case manager regularly to confirm that they are still interested in housing assistance. The case manager can track this check-in on the Community Queue referral page by clicking on the Check-In button.

Case managers can also check the Last Activity Date to determine when a check-in is needed (If the head of household is enrolled in another project or receives a service from a project, this also counts as a check-in, and will update the Last Activity date)


Step 1: Go to the Head of Household's History Page, and click on the Edit button next to the Community Queue referral.



Step 2: Scroll to the Last Activity section and click on the Check-In button. The Last Activity section will update to the current date.



Add a Note to the Head of Household's Record

Step 1: Change the Agency drop down in the upper right corner to County of Orange for Individual (ICES) and Family CES (FCES).


Step 2: Search for the Head of Household's name, then click the Edit button.


Step 3: Select the Program tab, and click on the _Edit _button next to their Coordinated Entry project enrollment.



Step 3: Go to the Notes tab and select Add Note.


Step 4: Add a note pertaining to any updates on the housing process for the household, then select Add Record.


Update the Current Living Situation

Please refer to the Completing Current Living Situation Assessments knowledge base article for instructions on creating and updating the Current Living Situation in HMIS.


Add a Coordinated Entry Event

Please refer to the Coordinated Entry Events knowledge base article for instructions on adding these events to HMIS.



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